Energy audit consists of assessing the amount of required and consumed energy needed for the operation of the enterprise, analyzing the efficiency of energy use and developing measures for saving and rational use of energy.

Energy audit

The work of any production is associated with huge energy costs. Electricity is needed for the operation of machinery and equipment, diesel or gasoline is needed for the operation of machines, gas, coal and other combustion products are necessary to maintain heat in heating systems.

All consumed electricity, gas and other fuels cost a lot of money, which increases the cost of the final product. Accordingly, reducing the cost of various types of energy, firstly, will reduce the cost of producing a unit of goods, which will increase the profit of the enterprise, and secondly, will significantly reduce the load on power plants, heat supply stations and ultimately save natural resources (gas, oil, coal and other types of fuel used in thermal power plants) will reduce the level of environmental pollution. Therefore, today more and more enterprises are striving to abandon the thoughtless use of energy and create schemes for its rational use.

To do this, an energy audit procedure was created.

  • determination of irrational energy costs and sources of energy loss;
  • assessment of energy efficiency indicators of the enterprise;
  • looking for options to increase energy efficiency and save energy. As a rule, this can be done by using different equipment and reorganizing the production process;
  • creating a program that describes all the necessary actions (purchase of new energy-saving equipment, changing the production line, etc.), as a result of which the energy efficiency of the enterprise will increase.
Collection of data for the last 5 years on the resources already used by the enterprise.
Analysis of contractual volumes, tariffs and financial costs to determine which resource (fuel) is most and most consumed, how much money is spent on its purchase.
Instrumental surveys of used energy resources, as well as visual and instrumental surveys of energy-consuming equipment.
As a result of such surveys, the causes of overspending or irrational fuel consumption are determined.
As a result, measures are taken to reduce the amount of energy resources used at the enterprise.

Some businesses have been conducting internal energy audits for years to reduce their energy costs.

However, far from all companies approached their activities so rationally, so in 2012 the need for an energy audit was enshrined in law. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is systematically implementing a program to improve the energy efficiency of existing industries.

Energy auditor

An energy specialist who conducts energy surveys of enterprises, analyzes the energy costs associated with the activities of the enterprise and develops measures to reduce the amount of energy used and use it more efficiently.

An energy auditor must, on the one hand, understand the energy sector and be able to calculate the balance and losses of energy resources, and on the other hand, be a good analyst.

Also, such a specialist should understand technologies in the field of alternative energy and distributed energy supply, which in the modern world can significantly reduce energy losses and become the basis for creating an efficient energy supply system.

The team of energy auditors of Incom company LLP can provide assistance in the following areas:
Energy audit of an enterprise of any industry, housing and communal services, social sphere.
Development of energy passports for buildings and structures
Preparation and maintenance of annual reports for operators of the State Energy Register (SER);
Consulting services in the field of energy saving; consulting services in the field of energy management.
The team of energy auditors of Incom company LLP is ready to conduct an energy audit of an enterprise in any of the industries, housing and communal services, and the social sphere. As a result, a conclusion will be formed containing a list of measures, the implementation of which will reduce the consumption of energy resources, reduce the cost of production, reduce the cost of maintaining the life of the facility, thereby increasing the competitiveness of production.

Incom company LLP